Welcome to Seed2Fruit

Nurturing Authentic and Equitable Learning Jouneys for All

At Seed2Fruit, we believe in the transformative power of education. We understand that every learner is unique, and our approach reflects this diversity.

Unlock Potential Through Education

Empower Every Learner For a Brighter Tomorrow

Unveiling The Power of Our PTTBs

Introducing Our Parallel Teaching and Transition Board System (PTTBs)

Parallel Teaching Board

The Navigators Haven

Calm Down Transition Board

The Peaceful Passage

Reflection Board

The Path of Self Discovery

Social Story Board

The Tale of Connection

Key Features of the PTTBs

Seamless Transition Planning
Empower Self Regulation
Holistic Self-Awareness
Social Interaction Mastery
Positive Behavior Modification
Motivational Positive Reenforcement
Multimodal Communication Boards
Innovative Storytelling Techniques
System of Visual Aids

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Partnering For Progress - Empowering Educators, Schools, Families & Students

Who We Serve


There are many varian tions of passages of lorem available but the majority have suffered.

School/District Administrators

There are many varian tions of passages of lorem available but the majority have suffered.


There are many varian tions of passages of lorem available but the majority have suffered.

Unlock Personalized Solutions for Your Educational Needs

Discover tailored strategies and interventions designed to empower every learner. Schedule your one-on-one consultation with Felicia to embark on a transformative journey toward authentic and equitable education.


S2F Gallery

Support CWC - Make A Difference

Join Cause We Care to experience the transformation of education through compassion, inclsusitvity, and holistice approaches

Your support fuels our mission to bridge knowledge and compassion in the pursuit of inclusive and holistic education. Join us in transforming the lives of students, caregivers, and educators. Together, we can create a brighter and more inclusive future. Donate now to be a part of this meaningful cause.

News & Articles

Recent Articles

Barriers to Least Restrictive Environments (LRE)
How concerned should we be if the federal mandates of least restrictive environments (LRE) for students with diagnosed disabilities are being met? What overall impact will this have on general education classrooms? The answers both these questions should be VERY CONCERNED.
Professional Development for Teachers Found Lacking
It’s not entirely the teacher’s fault when their classroom data reflects lacking growth metrics.’ Bold statement - a yah, and a sure fire way to blaze up any discourse surrounding teacher fidelity in the classrooms. But what evidence is their to support either side of this argument

We are an educational service provider that focuses on producing authentic instructional and behavioral resources for educators, students, and families.


312 883-1273


M - F: 9 am - 4 pm


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