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Unlocking Opportunities for Inclusive Learning at Home

Empowering Parents: Your Guide to Effective Home Interventions

At Seed2Fruit, we understand that parents often face the challenge of not knowing how to implement the same interventions their child receives at school within the home environment. We're here to bridge that gap and empower parents with the knowledge and tools they need to reinforce developmental goals effectively.

Problem: Inability to navigate school interventions at home: The primary problem lies in not knowing how to replicate the same interventions happening at your child's school within the home environment. This knowledge gap hinders your ability to reinforce the acquisition of developmental goals effectively.

How We Can Help - Empowering You to Foster Growth at Home

Empowering Parents, Nurturing Growth

Seed2Fruit is your dedicated partner in providing you with the knowledge and tools needed to effectively support your child's development at home. With Seed2Fruit, you're equipped with the knowledge and support to empower your child's potential, creating a brighter future filled with possibilities.

Here's why partnering with us makes a difference:

Access to Expertise

Gain access to workshops, seminars, and educational training events led by experienced experts in special education.

Proven Intervention Strategies

Identify and implement authentic intervention strategies tailored to your child's unique needs, fostering their growth and development.

Active Learning

Become an active participant in your child's education journey, creating an inclusive and nurturing learning environment at home.


Impactful Reach

Our PTTBs is a system of communication boards that serves as a low-tech visual aid and assistive technology tool/device primarily (but not exclusively) for school-age children between the ages of 3 years to 19 years old who have developmental disabilities, cognitive and/or behavioral disorders, and/or delays

Transforming Education One Board at a Time

Order Your PTTBs Today